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The rooms are simple, open bandas. The roofs are thatch, walls are granite slabs joined with our mix of daub, and the floors are also granite slabs joined with daub. The beds, tables and doors are all made from repurposed cedar fence posts. The roof follows a simple dome shape with a good pitch ensuring that rain flows straight off.




Each banda has its own solar system that powers the lights and allows for charging. All paths are lit with solar path lights.




We trust you will enjoy Suyian showers under a ceiling of stars. The big safari style bucket shower is often enough for two, however, there is plenty of water should you need a top up. This style of shower, with no plumbing, saves water.




The decision to put in long-drop loos is purely to save water in this arid environment. The holes are between eight and nine feet down. There is a pipe that extends above the roof which extracts any odour by being carried off by the breeze. We treat the toilets with a natural plant-based liquid that speeds up the action of natural bacteria.




The water in the bathrooms and in the showers comes from our spring - it is safe for washing. Drinking water is filtered rain or borehole water.

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Hirpicium diffusum


Our food is good wholesome home cooking with everything being made here in camp. We prefer to give our guests seasonal organic vegetables and fruit, most of the vegetables are grown organically on Suyian as well as the lamb and chicken. Camels’ milk is the norm but if you prefer not to drink camel milk we do have alternatives.



The Suyian Soul team will make sure that you have everything you need in the rooms, as well as any dietary preferences. The kitchen is well prepared to try anything new if that is what it takes! Nothing is too much trouble for us at Suyian Soul, we are happy to do room service if need be. For walks and game drives we encourage picnics out as much as possible.


Fruit and Vegetables

There are seasons for fruit so we like to buy what is in season so that it tastes good! Most of the fruit we buy is grown on the lower slopes of Mt. Kenya to the North. Most of our vegetables are grown organically on Suyian Ranch. Other vegetables come from our local market in the nearest town, 80km away. We host many vegetarian visitors.


The lamb, beef and chicken we serve is all pasture fed and free range, coming from trusted local suppliers. Fish can be caught in the river or the Ranch dams – Tilapia, Barbel and Catfish. Otherwise, we buy fish from Lake Victoria.



Our whole-wheat flour comes from the family farm, Kisima, which is on the slopes of Mt. Kenya. All the bread, cakes and biscuits are home made.

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Put your phone away and let your eyes reach for further horizons; take a long walk and learn about plants and wildflowers from one of Kenya’s leading specialists; head out by car to spot wild animals or walk with camels and explore faraway sweeps of this extraordinary countryside. Yoga, reading, fishing… The list goes on.


•    Bush walks

•    Birding

•    Game drives

•    Camel walks

•    Forest walks

•    Plant walks

•    Cultural visits

•    Yoga

•    Swimming in the river

•    Climbing

Croton dichogamus

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We are here to look after our clients therefore we do not anticipate any insecurity, we also live and work here ourselves. Laikipia West is close to the Eastern wall of the Great Rift Valley, some 800kms from the coastline. There is no security threat at present.



Suyian Soul Camp is 350kms from Nairobi; it takes five hours by road and one hour by small aircraft.



Our location, which is in Laikipia, is a district close to Mt. Kenya. It is 10,000 square kilometres. The area is made up of small scale farmers, large scale ranches, pastoralists, conservancies and forest reserves.



Laikipia is blessed with some of the world’s most enjoyable temperatures at around 25C, hot during the day and cool at night. At Suyian the highest elevation is 6,200ft which drops to 5,500ft at Suyian Soul camp. The long rains are in November with the short rains in April/May. Both rainy seasons are not uncomfortable if you wanted to travel during that time. Particularly good for plant safaris would be shortly after the rains, June and December/January.


Phone network and WiFi

There is no mobile coverage at Suyian Soul Camp, but there is mobile coverage in most areas on the Ranch. In the camp we have WiFi in the office. Clients may use the internet for emergencies only.


Hospitals and medical care

The closest hospital is a two hour journey by road from Suyian, situated in Nanyuki. The local Doctor at the Nanyuki Cottage Hospital is very competent.



Suyian is very child friendly. We welcome families and have hosted children from two years and above!


Walks and strolls

Walking is highly recommended on Suyian. Around camp, it is fairly open, easy to see wild animals at a distance. All walks are accompanied by an armed professional guide.

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Soft lockable bags are preferable. On most light aircraft charters the limit is 15kg.




The list given below is a basic indication of what you should bring. We recommend that you bring khaki and green coloured clothing for walks and game drives.


•    Trainers or good walking shoes

•    Flip flops/sandals

•    Hat

•    Windbreaker/Jacket

•    Sweater/Sweatshirt

•    2 pairs safari pants

•    2 pairs safari shorts

•    4 pairs sport socks

•    2 short sleeve shirts

•    2 long sleeve shirt (to keep the sun off)

•    2 t-shirts/camisole

•    Night wear – light

•    Swim wear

•    Underwear

•    Belt


Toiletries and medicine


•    Insect repellant – (We provide natural repellant)

•    Sun Screen (SPF 15 or higher)


Wear sunscreen and cover up during the hottest time of day – between

1100HRS and 1500HRS.


Other supplies


•    Sunglasses

•    Prescription glasses x 2 pairs

•    Flashlight including spare batteries

•    Alarm clock

•    Money pouch

•    Binoculars

The People

Anne Powys, Owner


Anne was born and raised on Suyian Ranch, an ethno-botanist by experience with considerable knowledge of the traditional uses of plants. She has a long and deep association with the resident pastoral communities of this region. With her grandfather as a forester and an upbringing filled with “plant safaris” it was hardly surprising that Anne would end up becoming devoted to the preservation of the flora in Laikipia with special emphasis on the remaining indigenous forests of Northern Kenya. Anne is the artist and designer of Suyian Soul camp, which is unique in both concept and style. Anne will be your hostess throughout your stay at Suyian Soul. “Protecting the environment is an obligation, not a choice.”


The Lodge Team

At Suyian we are a small team of eleven staff, all of whom have been trained here in camp to do their various jobs. Without this able team, who mostly come from Laikipia, Samburu, Meru and Tharaka, we would not be able to give you the lasting experience we are aiming for. Thanks to all the staff at Suyian Soul, we are able to run this exclusive bush camp. We are confident that the Suyian Soul team will look after all your needs during your stay with us.



Suyian is situated at something of a cultural crossroads. Our immediate neighbours are Samburu, Pokot, Turkana and Kikuyu; all of whom live fairly close to each other. To the north great plains decorated with majestic hills lead all the way to the Chalbi Desert and beyond, home to nomadic and pastoral people, like the Samburu, Rendille, Turkana and Gabra. As you travel south, pockets of Laikipiak Maasai make way for agriculturalist groups like the Meru, Kikuyu and Tharakans, who farm the fertile soils around Mt Kenya and the Aberdares.

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A well travelled hat

What to Pack
The People
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